
Founded in 1999, we have provided quality Business Address &/or Telephone Answering to hundreds of small & large businesses with the Officefront reception service. Almost any professional or business, of any size, can benefit from such a quality service.

At Officefront we are true leaders in the market, delivering quality Virtual Office & Virtual Telephone Answering services. Having amassed 25 years experience, we can deliver on our clients’ expectations.


OfficeFront believe strongly that your client’s interest in working with you will be decided very early on, in many cases even before you get to speak with them!

Your receptionists (if you have any) may do an excellent job, but they are not always available. Comfort breaks, lunch, sickness, medical appointments, holidays and maternity/paternity leave are significant challenges to the most important interface you have with your clients.

Prompt Answering and Courtesy is assured with every call.

Reception is your caller’s first contact with your business. Properly answered calls give impression of professionalism. If you are not available, a receptionist’s voice is so much more reassuring than a voicemail recorder.

Our services assure you; Every call answered irrespective; No lunch breaks, holidays, sick, weather conditions. Our receptionists are always there (UK working days)…..you don’t have to be.

Covid 19 pushed our service further to the forefront for many businesses & professional firms. When staff couldn’t access their offices, we at Officefront were able to bring their business to their homes, seamlessly.

We are proud to say that from 23 March 2020 (first lockdown) we have not missed one day, keeping everyone connected.

For our business address clients, our quality properties nationwide offer a professional front end to our clients based from home or those wishing to have a branch in another location.

Our services start from circa the price of a “good” coffee.

Not bad for a “superb” service.


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        XTo hear how amazing we sound when we answer your calls dial 020 8906 6666
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