Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Call Answering Service

There are many reasons to consider outsourcing your company’s call answering service.
From strengthening your brand to making a great first impression of your business, using a professional call answering service is a great way to attract and retain clients who contact you over the phone.
Here we’ll explore the top 5 benefits of outsourcing your call answering service.
First impressions count
If you simply don’t have the manpower or capacity to answer your company phone when it rings, it’s time to consider outsourcing your call answering service.
As a potential or existing client of your business, anyone who calls you will expect to have their call answered and to be helped with their query or question straight away. Failure to do this can create a negative impression of your business and could even lead to clients cancelling their contract and moving elsewhere.
Outsourcing your call answering service to a professional company will ensure that every call is answered promptly and professionally.
You are your brand
You’ve probably heard a lot about ‘brand marketing’ and why this is so crucial to every company’s success. At a basic level, your ‘brand’ is represented by what people think and feel when they hear your company name.
Trust, reputation, care, support, These are all characteristics of a strong brand. And everything you do will impact how customers feel about your brand and who you are as a company. Even something as simple as feeling they are ignored when they try to contact you can make clients feel undervalued. They’ll associate your brand with a company that doesn’t prioritise its customers or care about their needs.
Brand marketing isn’t about spending a fortune on shiny marketing campaigns. Your brand reputation starts with how you treat every customer and their day to day experience of dealing with your company.
Word of mouth
We live in an age of immediacy and sharing. Thanks to social media, any experience of your company – good or bad – can be shared with a lot of people within seconds of their first interaction with you.
If someone tries to contact your company and their call is unanswered or they don’t have a positive experience when they reach you, you can bet they’re going to tell someone! And that ‘someone’ could be their 500 business contacts on Linkedin or 1000 friends on Facebook. Word of mouth can be a powerful asset…or your worst enemy.
Outsourcing your call answering service could lead to a positive review about your business. And good news travels fast!
More time for you
Let’s face it, you’ve got a lot to get through on your To Do list. And answering the phones is probably not at the top of the list…
Outsourcing your call answering service will free up your time so you can get on with other aspects of managing your business. From focusing on business development to nurturing existing staff and client relationships, removing call answering from your to do list will ensure you spend your time on initiatives that will greatly improve productivity.
Leave a message
One of the best reasons to outsource your call answering service is because people value real-time human interaction over a recorded voicemail. If you’re in a meeting or away from the office, you may think that having a recorded voicemail is a suitable option for anyone who calls your company landline.
But if you’re a business in which people may need help immediately, especially for law firms, estate agents or property management companies, your clients may need to speak to someone urgently. Even if their issue cannot be solved until you’re back in the office, your client will feel reassured that they are a priority if they have had a conversation with someone, rather than leaving a voicemail.
Whatever your reasons for wishing to outsource your call answering service, there are plenty of benefits to enjoy as part of this service. At Office Front we have over 18 years’ experience in the virtual office industry and have seen many clients benefit enormously from outsourcing their call answering service to us. To find out how we can help you, call us on 020 7127 0660 or get a quote.