“Careless Talk Costs Lives” said the WW2 poster. Fortunately the war is over. However, careless talk no longer costs lives, though it can cause problems.
Yesterday I was in a smart coffee shop in the City. My table was very close to that of two well-dressed and affluent looking chaps with large expensive watches.
They were openly discussing the possibility of choosing a new CEO for one of their well know clients. The name discussed was recognisable to me. The name of the company from which he would be hunted was also known.
Had I been a journalist or someone wishing to make trouble or gain financially, I could be rubbing my hands with glee.
Were these two high fliers irresponsible or just so unaware that they were in a public place with ears everywhere?
They would have been better off hiring a meeting room by the hour, with total privacy and excellent coffee thrown in.